Monday, 16 April 2012

How to Get Up in the Morning When You're Unemployed

Sometimes i hear people on Sunday evenings give out about the weekend being over.  I can relate to that.  I like weekends.  Makes me feel like everyone else is in my world:  A ly on in the morning.  Free to do what you want in the afternoon.  And perhaps a cheeky pint or two in the evening.

The reason they're giving out though, is in complete contrast to why i don't like Mondays.  For in the 9 to 5 world, Monday spells the beginning of another working week.  And yet, that is what i yearn for when i'm "in between jobs":  Waking up and heading into a rehearsal.  That's the problem with this business though - for the majority of actors out there, there's no consistency.

But there in lies the challenge.  It's far too easy to let Monday come along and hang over you like a giant grey cloud of self pity!  Being an actor in Ireland can be quite depressing.  I'm sure it can be in most countries.  The work is scarce here.  And what doesn't help is that the weather is bloody awful a lot of the time!

Not only do Mondays come around once a week...they're quickly followed by Tuesday.  With Wednesday close behind!  It's remarkable how difficult i find it to motivate myself on a Monday.  Especially if it's a crappy day outside.  Waking up to rain lashing down, in an empty house, with no job to go to is depressing.  No matter what business you're in!  But motivate myself, i must.

So what is the key to over coming the Monday blues for an out of work actor?  GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!  Make a conscious effort to get up (it does help to be conscious).  Get washed, fed and do something pro active!  It doesn't matter what it is.  Just make sure it's something you can look back on at about 5pm and say, "I'm glad i did that!" and that it makes you feel good about yourself.

A few years ago, i was in a pretty bad place psychologically.  Nothing major.  But just feeling down everyday.  I hadn't worked in about 6 months.  And as each day came and went i started giving myself a hard time.  Feeling pretty worthless and ready to pack it in...acting that is...not life!  I decided to talk to my brother about it.  He came around and gave me the advise i just spoke about.  It was simple.  Get out of the house and do something.  Sometimes the biggest problems can be resolved with the simplest of solutions.  I vowed to stop waiting by the phone for my agent to call (which was a bit ridiculous anyway, considering i have a mobile phone).

That talk helped me back then.  And i still live by it.  Now i write when the mood gets me (which isn't as often as i'd like).  I'll try learn a new song on the keyboard, go to the gym or even just meet up with a friend for lunch.

Time, in the wrong frame of mind, can be destructive.  Keep yourself occupied and you'll be fine!

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